Finding Your Personal Style
Every artist wants to be recognized for their individual style...... their special way of seeing the world and presenting it to others, and that's a wonderful thing for all of us. Think how boring the world would be if we all saw things the same. It's our individuality that makes life interesting, and certainly true of art.
As a photographer, my vision of the world has been influenced by the people I have met and the exposure I've had to the world of nature. Perhaps my biggest influence has come from my love and deep appreciation for the many talented painters that I've had the privilege of exhibiting with for so many years. These folks bring us not only the world around us, but the world that lives inside of their hearts and minds. They share with all of us, through their work, a world both real and imagined.
Like photographers, some painters are technically skilled visionaries with amazing talent, while others...... not so much. But, the real talent seems to always rise to the top, as we "feel" something when we look upon their work. It moves us into an emotional response, and it challenges us to look deeper. That's simply what really good art of any kind should do, whether it be a painting, a sculpture, or a photograph.
As I began my own career in photography, my goal was to photograph birds in what I call a "painterly manner." I have never been interested in just producing tight little birds shot, perhaps best for some bird ID purpose. Instead, as I look through my lens, I am trying to see a painting. I am looking to frame my subject within his chosen environment in a context that employs the basic elements of fine art composition. I'm looking for patterns, leading lines, color and contrast, spacial order, and a genuine sense of the place. Each time I place my eye on the viewfinder, I am looking to see a painting, not just a photo.
That, of course, is just my vision. Yours may be completely different, but no less significant. My point here is that we all want to get better at this photography thing......right? To do that, I believe, every photographer needs to look deep and decide what his or her path will be. Standing out in a crowded field is never an easy task, but it's certainly a worthy goal. My task here today is to ask all of you reading this post to extend your efforts in a way that will bring greater satisfaction to your love of photography. Develop your own style........ stop shooting what others are shooting.... make your photos originals.......test yourself......and don't get hung up on your failures. We have the ability to never stop learning, and we can make our own mark on the world. Your photographs can be a part of that. Be inspired !!!
I'd like to hear your thoughts, and I hope you'll share this post with others.